Habit Tracker Ideas: Boost Productivity and Achieve Goals

By Martin Hurley
Updated June 2023
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Habit tracking is a popular method for achieving personal goals and self-improvement. By tracking your daily habits, you can monitor your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Habit trackers can be used for many purposes, from improving your health and fitness to increasing productivity and reducing stress.

habit tracker ideas
A habit tracker can help you to structure your routines.

There are many different habit tracker ideas and styles that you can use to achieve your goals.

Some popular habits to track include:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Sleep patterns
  • Language study
  • Water and fluid intake
  • Reading and journaling

By keeping track of these habits, you can develop a better understanding of your daily routines and identify areas where you can make positive changes.

Additionally, habit or routine trackers can help keep you accountable and motivated to stick to your goals.

What is a habit tracker?

A habit tracker is a tool that you can use to measure certain habits or routines.

For example, which days you exercise in a week, or what times or days you practise a new language.

There are many different types of trackers. For example:

  • Monthly habit tracker tools
  • Weekly habit trackers
  • Yearly habit trackers
  • Daily habit tracker guides

These trackers come in many different styles and layouts, from bullet journal style to simple habit tracker apps.

Their main goal is to help you create better habits!

simple habit tracker layout
A (really) simple habit tracker layout.

Why use a habit tracker?

A habit tracker is a tool that helps you keep track of your habits, with the goal of forming new and positive habits over time.

There are many reasons why someone might choose to use a habit tracker, including:

Habit Formation

Habit tools can help you form new habits by providing a visual cue and immediate feedback.

By tracking your progress, you can see how far you’ve come and how much work you’ve put in, which can be motivating.

Meet Your Goals

Trackers can also help you meet your goals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

For example, if you want to become healthier, then you can track this by checking off every day you complete 10 minutes of exercise.

Visual Cue

The visual cue provided by a habit tracker can be a powerful motivator.

By seeing your progress on paper or on a screen, you can see what you've achieved and feel good about it, and then you're more likely to continue it!

Immediate Feedback

Habit or routine trackers provide immediate feedback, which can be a powerful motivator.

By seeing their progress in real-time, you can adjust your habits and routines as needed to ensure you're moving towards your goals.

As you can see, a habit tracker tool can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to form new habits or achieve their goals.

Whether that's to improve health, productivity, or personal relationships, a habit tracker can help you stay on track and make progress towards your goals.

Which type of habit tracker?

There are various types of habit tools available, each with its own unique features and benefits.

In this section, we will discuss three popular types of habit or schedule trackers:

  • Printable Habit Trackers
  • Habit Tracker Apps, and
  • Bullet Journaling

Printable Habit Trackers

Printable habit trackers tools are a great option for those who prefer a physical copy of their habit tracker.

These trackers can be downloaded and printed from the internet, and they come in a variety of layouts and designs.

Here’s an example of a mini habit tracking worksheet...

mini habit tracker
You can get mini habit trackers like this.

Printable habit trackers are also customisable, allowing users to add or remove habits as needed.

Some popular types of printable habit trackers include:

  • Simple habit tracker tools
  • Grid habit tracking, and
  • Minimalist habit tracker tools

The simple trackers feature a basic layout with space for habit names and checkboxes to mark off completed habits.

Grid habit trackers feature a grid layout with space for habit names and dates.

Minimalist habit trackers feature a clean, simple design with space for habit names and a small icon or symbol to represent each habit.

Tracking Habits with Apps

Habit tracker apps are a convenient option for those who prefer to track their habits digitally.

These apps can be downloaded onto a smartphone or tablet, and they often come with a variety of features to help you track and manage habits.

Some popular habit tracker apps include Habitica, Streaks, and Loop Habit Tracker.

Habit tracker apps often come with a variety of layouts and designs to choose from, and they may also offer customisable options.

Some apps also offer reminders and notifications to help users stay on track with their habits.

language learning notification app
Example of a DuoLingo language learning notification app.

Bullet Journaling

Bullet or note journaling is a popular method for tracking habits that involves creating a personalised journal using a blank notebook.

This method allows users to create their own layouts and designs, making it a highly customisable option.

Some popular bullet journal habit tracker layouts include mandalas, minimalist designs, and habit tracker spreads with space for habit names and checkboxes.

Here’s an example of a bullet journal:

bullet journal tracker
You can get bullet journals just like this.

Bullet or note journaling also allows users to incorporate various supplies, such as stickers, tape and coloured pens, to make their habit tracker unique and visually appealing.

In conclusion, there are various types of habit trackers available, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Printable habit and routine trackers, habit tracker apps, and bullet journaling are three popular options that offer different levels of customisation and convenience.

Habit tracker ideas

When it comes to building good habits, tracking progress is essential.

A habit tracker is a simple tool that can help you stay on track, monitor your progress, and achieve your goals.

Here are some habit tracker ideas that you can use to improve different areas of your life.

Work Habits

Tracking your work habits can help you be more productive and efficient. Here are some habits you can track:

  • Number of hours worked each day
  • Number of tasks completed
  • Time spent on email and social media
  • Time spent on meetings or breaks

Health Habits

Tracking your health habits can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some habits you can track:

  • Glasses of water consumed per day
  • Hours of sleep each night
  • Number of steps taken each day
  • Daily healthy food consumed!
mood tracker ideas
A mood tracker ideas journal from Amazon.

Self-Care Habits

Measuring your self-care habits can help you prioritise your well-being. Here are some habits you can track:

  • Skincare or makeup routine
  • Time spent on hobbies
  • Time spent reading or meditating
  • Time spent on gratitude practice

Relationship Habits

Keeping tabs on your relationship habits can help you maintain healthy relationships with others. Here are some habits you can track:

  • Quality time spent with loved ones
  • Acts of kindness towards others
  • Time spent communicating with loved ones
  • Time spent on self-reflection and self-awareness

Financial Habits

Tracking your financial habits can help you manage your money better. Here are some financial habits to track:

  • Amount of money saved each day/week/month
  • Amount of money spent each day/week/month
  • Amount of debt paid off each day/week/month
  • Number of financial goals achieved

Personal Development Habits

Tracking your personal development habits can help you grow as a person. Here are some personal development habits you can track:

  • Time spent on learning new skills
  • Time spent on personal development activities
  • Time spent on self-reflection and self-awareness
  • Progress made towards achieving personal goals
  • Progress made towards building new habits


As you can see, using habit based tracking can be a powerful tool for building good habits and achieving your goals.

You can kick start this easily by using a simple 'write-in' yearly calendar. Then watch as your 'new' habits become part of your daily routine and then part of your normal day.

As you slowly progress, you'll be empowered to stay motivated and focused on making positive changes in your life!

Where to get the trackers and journals

The mini checklist Smart Board is available here on Amazon.

The BLOOM Undated Dot Journaling Planner available here.

The fabulous Mood Tracker Journal is right here.